Une image contenant habits, personne, ciel, groupe


If asked what we value most in life, most of us would rank healthy relationships high on the list, because healthy relationships make life enjoyable perhaps more than anything else, except for knowing God. You can make a pile of money, but if your relationships are broken or shallow, your life will be empty. A poor man with a loving family and good friends is far richer than a rich man who is poor relationally.

You can know the state of your relationship with God by looking at your relationships with people and how you treat them.

When reading what Jesus tells us in Mark 12 :30-31 : « Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength… and love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. », we realize that while a loving relationship with God is of first importance, healthy loving relationships with others are second.

If you have a negative approach to people, if you are always bitter, complaining, gossiping, venting, talking negatively about others, it is because your relationship with God is on the rocks.

« If anyone thinks himself to be religious [scrupulously observant of the rituals of his faith], but does not control his tongue and show love to others, he deludes his own heart, and his religion is worthless (futile, barren). » (James 1.26)

 We are called to love others as God loves us and His instructions are clear : Be kind, treat others with compassion, gentleness and patience ; be tenderhearted, empathetic, and forgiving.

Not easy all the time, right ? Believe me, it’s easier when I remember how God loves me, even when I am not lovely. Seeing myself as the object of God’s gracious love, frees me to love even those who are difficult to love and who may not even return my love. If someone insults me, I’ll feel hurt, but I don’t need to retaliate. I can pray for them instead, because I’m secure in God’s love for me.

Let us mirror God’s love in our interactions « that we may be children of our Father in Heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. » Matthew 5 :45.

Your relationship with God affects others. As you grow closer to Him, He will open your eyes so you will begin to see people more as He sees them.

In our daily life, we encounter countless opportunities to practice this divine kindness. A smile to brighten someone’s day, a listening ear to ease a burden, or a gentle word of encouragement—these simple acts can transform hearts, increase our circle of friends and deepen connections. This is the way we are meant to live : full of kindness and love.

Right now, God is actively seeking a relationship with you that is life changing. He wants you to know you are special, you are made in his image, He wants you to know Him because He loves you.

Having a close, intimate relationship with God will provide a deep sense of peace in your life, transcending your temporary problems and struggles, and transforming your heart toward others. It may not be easy, all of us are a work in progress, but we don’t have to stay the way we are right now.

Relationships define us. Make sure the relationship that defines you best is the one you have with God.